Automotive Dealer Day is Carbon Neutral
Guidelines for organizing a sustainable event
Optimize logistics by decreasing the vehicles involved and preferring environmentally friendly transportation solutions.
Put in place proper health, safety and hygiene practices so as to protect all those involved. Ensure accessibility to all event spaces.
Use packaging, avoiding plastic and single-use, encourage reuse.
Prefer energy-efficient and low-consumption technological tools and appliances.
Raise awareness among stakeholders in following good sustainability practices and reducing waste.
Offset the CO2 thus quantified through the purchase of equal carbon credits generated by certified projects, contributing economically to the implementation of one or more environmental protection and social development initiatives.
The Automotive Dealer Day badge
Sustainability and recycling: our commitment to a carbon neutral event
At the end of your participation in Automotive Dealer Day, you will have special containers available to return your badge and badge holder. The materials will be recycled and, when not reusable, disposed of properly, helping to make the event increasingly sustainable.
The offset of the event
The Envira Amazonia Project - A Tropical Forest Conservation Project in Acre, Brazil
''Enterprise for Children''