Automotive Dealer Day is Carbon Neutral

After the 2023 experience, Automotive Dealer Day was also a sustainable and carbon neutral event for the 2024 edition.
At a time when the negative impacts of climate change on natural ecosystems are increasingly evident and critical, Quintegia has decided to embark on a path of sustainability in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Development Goals (SDGs).
To make Automotive Dealer Day sustainable, Quintegia has been involved in choosing low-impact and circular solutions wherever possible, establishing best practices for all suppliers, exhibitors and business partners to follow, and calculating the event’s carbon footprint.
Quintegia also offset CO2 emissions produced during the event through the purchase of certified carbon credits, so as to achieve the ambitious goal of organizing a carbon neutral event.

Guidelines for organizing a sustainable event


Reduce the production of materials, limiting it to those strictly necessary and in any case preferring digital solutions.

Optimize logistics by decreasing the vehicles involved and preferring environmentally friendly transportation solutions.

Put in place proper health, safety and hygiene practices so as to protect all those involved. Ensure accessibility to all event spaces.


Choose materials that are reusable, easy to disassemble and reassemble several times, easily transportable, recycled and recyclable, environmentally friendly and/or certified.

Use packaging, avoiding plastic and single-use, encourage reuse.

Prefer energy-efficient and low-consumption technological tools and appliances.

Raise awareness among stakeholders in following good sustainability practices and reducing waste.


Quantify the CO2 emitted for the organization and implementation of the event, including logistics of suppliers and travel of participants.

Offset the CO2 thus quantified through the purchase of equal carbon credits generated by certified projects, contributing economically to the implementation of one or more environmental protection and social development initiatives.

The Automotive Dealer Day badge

The physical Automotive Dealer Day badge is much more than just an access pass: it guarantees immediate recognition of the participant and is an essential tool for networking between participants and the companies that support the event. Thanks to the badge, each participant is immediately recognized, facilitating meetings, contact exchanges and profitable interactions during the event.

Sustainability and recycling: our commitment to a carbon neutral event

At the end of your participation in Automotive Dealer Day, you will have special containers available to return your badge and badge holder. The materials will be recycled and, when not reusable, disposed of properly, helping to make the event increasingly sustainable.

The offset of the event

To make the 2024 edition of Automotive Dealer Day sustainable, Quintegia has therefore committed to offset 1,008 tons of CO2 eq through the sale and retirement of a batch of VCS (Verified Carbon Standard) and/or CCB (Climate Community Biodiversity) certified carbon credits issued by the leading international VERRA Standard and subject to audit by an independent third party.
Credits are referred to the project:

The Envira Amazonia Project - A Tropical Forest Conservation Project in Acre, Brazil

This is a REDD+ project of preservation from deforestation of the Amazon rainforest on 200,000 hectares involved, Verra-certified, CCB (climate, community, biodiversity) type, triple gold edition, supporting local people by providing equal opportunities for employment, medical and educational assistance.

''Enterprise for Children''

Automotive Dealer Day has chosen to support the activities of Save the Children, the International Organization that has been fighting for over 100 years to save the children at risk and ensure them a future, by joining the Enterprise for Children Program through a donation, aimed at promoting and protecting the rights of minors in Italy and in every part of the world, according to the UN Convention on the Rights of Childhood.